Amendments of IFSCA

1. Bullion Trading Members and Clearing Members in GIFT- IFSC
IFSCA vide Circular No. F. No. 329/IFSCA/Bullion MIIs/2021 dated September 17, 2021, had permitted all members of the stock exchanges and clearing corporations in GIFT-IFSC to be enabled as Bullion Trading/Clearing Members subject to the fulfillment of requisite net worth criteria as specified by the IFSCA.
IFSCA specified that the Net Worth Requirement and the Base Minimum Capital for initial 6 months from the date of operationalization of Bullion Exchange shall be as under:
Net-Woth Criteria:
Sr. No. | Category | Net Worth | |
Entities incorporated in India (including IFSC) | Foreign Entities
| ||
1. | Trading Member | As specified by the Bullion Exchange | As specified by the Bullion Exchange, subject to a minimum of USD 135,000 |
2. | Clearing Member | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation, subject to minimum of USD 1,350,000 |
3. | Trading and Clearing Member | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation, subject to minimum of USD 1,350,000 |
4. | Self-Clearing Member | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation, subject to minimum of USD 675,000 |
Base Minimum Capital:
Sr. No. | Category | Base Minimum Capital | |
Entities incorporated in India (including IFSC) | Foreign Entities
| ||
1. | Trading Member | As specified by the Bullion Exchange | As specified by the Bullion Exchange, subject to a minimum of USD 75,000 |
2. | Clearing Member | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation, subject to minimum of USD 75,000 |
3. | Trading and Clearing Member | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation, subject to minimum of USD 75,000 |
4. | Self-Clearing Member | As specified by recognized Bullion Clearing Corporation | As specified by the Bullion Clearing Corporation, subject to minimum of USD 75,000 |
IFSCA vide Circular No. F. No. 329/IFSCA/Bullion MIIs/2023-24/04 dated February 22, 2024 had extended the above-mentioned 6 months period till July 28, 2024 or till the time IFSCA issues revised guidelines/handbook/circular specifying the requirements of minimum Net worth and Base Minimum Capital for Bullion intermediaries, whichever is earlier.
Now, IFSCA vide Circular No. F No. 329/IFSCA/Bullion MIIs/2024-25/04 dated August 09, 2024 has decided to extend the above-mentioned 6 months period till October 31, 2024 or till the time IFSCA issues revised guidelines/handbook/circular specifying the requirements of minimum Net worth and Base Minimum Capital for Bullion intermediaries, whichever is earlier.
The link to the aforesaid Circular is as follows:
2. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2024
The Ministry of Finance vide notification dated August 28, 2024, issued the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2024 (“Amendment Rules”), amending Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 (“the Rules”).
A. In Rule 2 the following definitions have been inserted:
i. “International Financial Services Centre” means an International Financial Services Centre as defined in clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019 (50 of 2019);
ii. “International Financial Services Centres Authority” means the Authority established under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019 (50 of 2019);
B. In Rule 19(2)(b), with respect to the requirement of listing at a Recognised Stock Exchange the following explanation is inserted
“Explanation. – For the purposes of this clause, the provisions of sub-clause (i) shall apply to, or in relation to, an applicant company desirous of getting its securities listed on a recognised stock exchange in an International Financial Service Centre, subject to the modification that the reference to “twenty-five per cent.” in that sub-clause shall be construed as reference to “ten per cent.”, irrespective of the post issue capital of such company and sub-clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) shall not apply.”.
Accordingly, every listed entity listed on a recognised stock exchange on International Financial Service Centre (IFSC) needs to maintain the minimum public shareholding of at least 10% instead of 25%
C. In Rule 19A with respect to the continuous Listing Requirement after the explanation to sub-rule (6), the following explanation has been inserted:
“Explanation. – For the purposes of this rule, the provisions of sub-rules (1) to (5) shall apply to, or in relation to, a company listed on a recognised stock exchange in an International Financial Service Centre, subject to the modification that references to “twenty-five percent.” in those sub-rules shall be construed as references to “ten percent” and the first proviso to sub-rule (5) shall not apply to such company.”.
As per the above explanation, the minimum public shareholding prescribed for Continuous Listing Requirements in the case of a Company listed on a recognized stock exchange in an International Financial Service Centre (IFSC) will be 10% instead of 25%.
The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows:
3. Direct Listing of Shares/Securities in International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) at Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City) (“GIFT City IFSC”):
On 30th August 2024, the IFSCA (Listing) Regulations, 2024 (“New Listing Regulations”) providing a unified regulatory framework for listing of securities and other permitted financial products was notified.
MCA vide Notification dated January 24, 2024, introduced the Companies (Listing of Equity Shares in Permissible Jurisdictions) Rules, 2024 allowing the direct listing of Equity Shares by Indian public companies on International Exchanges in IFSC.
IFSCA constituted a Standing Committee on Primary Markets (“SCOP”), chaired by Shri T. V. Mohandas Pai, in February 2024 to advise IFSCA on policy and regulatory matters for the development of a vibrant and robust primary market in GIFT IFSC.
The Committee recommended that the IFSCA’s regulatory framework for listing of companies should be aligned with other international financial centres such as Singapore, Hong Kong, the USA and UK. Following extensive deliberations in the SCOP and public consultations, it was decided to replace the existing IFSCA (Issuance and Listing of Securities) Regulations, 2021 with the New Listing Regulations.
The IFSCA in its meeting held on June 27, 2024, approved the New Listing Regulations.
Salient Features of New Listing Regulation
The New Listing Regulations have been drafted to give an impetus to the listing of equity instruments (primarily by unlisted Indian companies as well as foreign companies), bonds and other permitted financial products on the stock exchanges in the IFSC.
These regulations are expected to provide a fillip to the IFSC as an investment and capital-raising financial centre. This is expected to bring investors and companies together to contribute to the growth of the financial centre. Considering that international financial centres act as hubs for fundraising by companies around the world, the New Listing Regulations have been drafted to position the IFSC as an attractive destination for raising of capital, both through equity and bonds. While they are light touch in nature, they also ensure that investors are adequately protected.
The objective of the New Listing Regulations is to enable Indian and foreign issuers to access capital through the issue and listing of securities on the stock exchanges in the IFSC. The regulations are expected to promote Ease Of Doing Business for the issuers to access capital market through a listing of securities on the stock exchanges in the IFSC with greater flexibility and efficiency.
The regulatory objective is to ensure that capital raising by the issuers in the IFSC is in a fair, orderly, efficient and transparent manner. The regulations aim to protect the interests of investors by ensuring that there is full disclosure of material information that are required for decision making by the investors.
Currently, GIFT City is India’s only approved IFSC located in the city of Gandhinagar in the State of Gujarat:
The International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019 (IFSC Authority Act) has set up a Unified Authority viz. IFSC Authority (IFSCA), which has assumed power of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) , the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI), and the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). It acts as a single window for regulating various financial activities in the IFSC.
The salient features of the New Listing Regulations are as under:
Particulars | Regulatory Requirements | |
A. Listing of Specified Securities | ||
Eligibility criteria | a. Operating revenue of USD 20 million in the last financial year or averaged over the last three financial years; or b. Pre-tax profit of USD 1 million in the last financial year or averaged over the last three financial years; or c. Post-issue market capitalization of at least USD 25 million: or d. Any other eligibility criteria specified by the Authority | |
Filing of offer document | Issuers will be required to file offer document with IFSCA for seeking observations (Exemption provided for issuers with proposed issue size of USD 50 million or less). | |
Disclosures in offer document | Disclosures in Offer document shall include: a. Offer Document Summary b. Risk factors c. Introduction providing a brief overview of the offer details d. General Information e. Capital Structure f. Particulars of the issue g. Underwriting h. Tax implication for the investors i. About the Issuer j. Financial Statements k. Material related party transactions l. Legal and other information m. Details of major group companies n. Regulatory and other disclosures o. Any other material disclosures | |
Accounting Standards | Financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with US GAAP, IFRS or Ind AS. In case of any other accounting standard, the financial statements shall be reconciled with IFRS. | |
Pricing | Fixed price or Book building mechanism. Indian company shall comply with requirements prescribed in the Direct Listing Scheme notified under FEM (NDI) Rules, 2019. | |
Minimum Public Offer and Shareholding | Indian Company: In accordance with the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 Foreign Company: Minimum public offer as well as minimum public shareholding of 10 per cent. of the post issue capital. | |
Underwriting | Disclosures regarding underwriting arrangements shall be made in the offer document. | |
Monitoring Agency | Optional (issuer may choose to appoint a CRA registered with the Authority or registered with any other regulator as a monitoring agency). | |
Lock-up | Pre-issue shareholding of promoters and controlling shareholders shall be locked up for a period of 180 days. | |
Minimum Public Offer and Shareholding | Indian Company: In accordance with the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 ( which has been amended recently to be at par with requirement for a Foreign Company that is 10% of post issue capital Foreign Company: Minimum public offer as well as minimum public shareholding of 10 % of the post issue capital. | |
B. Listing of Debt Securities | ||
Filing of Documents | Issuer shall file listing application along with the offer document/information memorandum with the recognised stock exchange | |
Disclosures in the offer document | Issuer Disclosures – Issue related disclosures (Regulation 70) | |
Credit Rating | Credit rating mandatory Further, w.e.f. April 01, 2025, the issuer shall be required to obtain a credit rating from at least one CRA registered with IFSCA and may obtain any additional credit rating(s) from a globally recognised CRA. | |
ESG Labelled Debt Securities | Additional requirements for listing of “Green”, “Social”, “Sustainability” and “Sustainability linked” debt securities specified in the regulations. The requirements are based on global best practices including ICMA and Climate Bonds Standards. | |
C. Continuous Obligations and Disclosure Requirements | ||
Equity Listing | a. Material or Price Sensitive Information: Immediately b. Amendment to Constitution Documents: Immediately c. Intimation about Board Meetings: at least two working days in advance d. Proceedings of the AGM and EGM: Immediately e. Change in Director, KMP, Auditor & Compliance Officer: Immediately f. Adverse opinion by the Auditor: Immediately g. Disclosure of encumbrances by promoters and controlling shareholders: within 2 working days h. Shareholding Pattern on quarterly basis: within 15 working days i. Financial Statements: Quarterly within 45 days; Annual within 3 months j. Annual Report: Immediately after finalisation k. Statement of Deviation of use of proceeds on quarterly basis: within 45 days l. Sustainability Report: Within six months from the end of Financial Year m. Notice of record date for corporate actions (3 working days in advance) n. Whistleblower Mechanism | |
Debt Issuer | a. Material or Price Sensitive Information: Immediately b. Financial Statements: within 3 months c. Annual Report: within 6 months d. Revision in Credit Rating: Immediately |
We discuss below a few important provisions of the New Listing Regulations 2024
A. New Definitions
The following few new Definitions are inserted in the New Listing Regulations
- “Banking Unit” means a unit licensed or permitted by the Authority to undertake permissible activities under International Financial Services Centres Authority (Banking) Regulations, 2020
- “certificate of deposit” means a negotiable, unsecured money market instrument issued in dematerialised form or as a Usance Promissory Note against funds deposited at a Banking Unit for a maturity period upto one year;
- “commercial paper” means an unsecured money market instrument issued in the form of a promissory note;
- “control” shall include the right to appoint majority of the directors or to control the management or policy decisions exercisable by a person or persons acting individually or in concert, directly or indirectly, including by virtue of their shareholding or management rights or shareholders agreements or voting agreements or in any other manner;
- “controlling shareholder” shall include a person who has control over the affairs of the issuer, directly or indirectly whether as a shareholder, director or otherwise;
- “convertible preference shares” means preference shares which can be converted into a predetermined number of ordinary shares usually after a specified date or upon the occurrence of certain events;
- “group entity” means an entity of a business group that consists of a parent company or of any other type of legal person exercising control over the rest of the group, together with branches and/or subsidiaries.
- “issuer” means an entity which makes or proposes to make or has made an issue of specified securities or debt securities or depository receipts or commercial paper or certificates of deposit or any other permitted financial products and intends to list on a recognised stock exchange under these regulations;
- “Listed Entity” means an entity whose specified securities or debt securities or depository receipts or any other permitted financial products are listed on a recognised stock exchange under these regulations;
- “offer document” includes a red herring prospectus, prospectus, shelf prospectus, letter of offer, tranche prospectus, placement memorandum, as applicable;
- “promoter” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it under clause (69) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013:
Explanation: The references to “promoter” under these regulations shall apply only in respect of companies incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013;
- “qualified institutions placement” means issue of specified securities to qualified institutional buyers on a private placement basis and includes an offer for sale of specified securities by the promoters or controlling shareholders on a private placement basis.
- “securities”,for the purposes of these regulations, shall mean specified securities, debt securities and depository receipts listed or proposed to be listed on a recognised stock exchange;
B. Applicability :
The Regulation shall apply to:
- Initial Public Offer (IPO) of Specified Securities;
- Follow-On Public Offer (FPO) including Fast Track Follow-On Public Offer;
- Listing of Specified Securities without Public Offer;
- Listing of Specified Securities already listed in other jurisdiction viz. Secondary Listing;
- Listing of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC);
- Rights Issue, Preferential Issue and Qualified Institutions Placement;
- Listing of Depository Receipts;
- Listing of Debt Securities;
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Labelled Debt Securities;
- Listing of Other Financial Products such as Funds and Investment Trusts, Commercial Papers, Certificates of Deposit;
- Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements of the entities listed in GIFT City IFSC.
C. General Eligibility Criteria
An issuer shall be eligible to list its securities or any other permitted financial product on a recognised stock exchange subject to the following conditions
- The issuer is incorporated in IFSC or India in a Foreign Jurisdiction, in accordance with the relevant laws of its home jurisdiction;
- the issuer operates in conformity with its constitution; and
- the issuer is eligible to issue such securities or other financial products, that are proposed to be listed on the recognised stock exchange, in conformity with the relevant laws of its home jurisdiction.
Provided that a public Indian company proposing to list its equity shares on a recognised stock exchange shall also meet the eligibility criteria provided under Schedule XI of the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019, the Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024.
Explanation: The following entities shall also be eligible to list their debt securities on a recognised stock exchange:
(a) a supranational or a multilateral or a statutory institution;
(b) a municipality or any similar body; and
(c) an entity which offers or proposes to offer sovereign debt securities.
D. IPO and FPO in IFSC:
Following Issuers can make an IPO of specified securities in IFSC viz.:
a) Issuer having an operating revenue, based on consolidated audited accounts, of at least USD 20 million in the last financial year or averaged over the last 3 financial years; OR
b) Issuer having a pre-tax profit, based on consolidated audited accounts, of at least USD 1 million in the last financial year or averaged over the last 3 financial years; OR
c) Issuer having a post-issue market capitalization of at least USD 25 million; OR
d) Issuer qualifies under any other eligibility criteria specified by the IFSCA.
Offer for Sale:
Specified Securities to be held by the existing holders for a period of at least one (1) year prior to the date of filing of the draft offer document. In case of convertible securities the holding period of convertible securities or depository receipts, as the case may be, and the holding period of resultant equity shares, together, shall be considered for the purpose of calculation of the period of one (1) year.
Filing of Offer Document:
The Issuer or the Lead manager of the Issuer with a proposed issue size of more than USD 50 million are inter-alia also required to file details of material public comments received on the draft offer document and the consequent changes that are proposed to be made in the draft offer document pursuant to the material public comments. The IFSCA may issue observations on the draft offer document
Offer Timing:
The IPO shall be made by the issuer within a period of not more than twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of observations by the IFSCA.
The Issuer shall determine pricing, in consultation with the lead manager(s), either through a fixed price or book-building process and shall suitably disclose the same in the Offer document. Issuer shall also comply with Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 in case of listing of equity shares by a public Indian company.
Offer Period:
IPO shall be kept open for at least one working day and not more than ten working days. In case of simultaneous offers in any other jurisdiction, the offer period may be for same period as applicable in the other jurisdiction.
Minimum Public Offer, Allotment and Shareholding:
In the case of an Issuer incorporated in India, including in an IFSC or In case of an Issuer incorporated outside India – the minimum offer and allotment to the public shall be at least 10% of the post-issue capital and the issuer shall also maintain the minimum public shareholding of 10% of the post-issue capital on a continuous basis.
Retail Indian Investors
Resident Indian can also participate in the IPO through the Liberalized Remittance Scheme
Lockup of securities:
The pre-issue shareholding of promoters and controlling shareholders of the issuer shall be locked up for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of allotment in the IPO.
E. Listing of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC) In IFSC:
A SPAC is a special purpose entity to acquire an operating company. A SPAC is eligible to raise capital through IPO of specified securities on the recognised stock exchange(s) in IFSC only where:
- The target business combination has not been identified prior to the IPO;
- SPAC has provisions for redemption and liquidation in line with these New Listing Regulations 2024; and
- The Sponsor of the SPAC has a good track record in SPAC transactions, business combinations, fund management or investment banking activities and the same shall be disclosed in the offer document,
Explanation: For the purpose of this chapter, sponsor shall mean a person sponsoring the formation of the SPAC and shall include persons holding any specified securities of the SPAC prior to the IPO.
IPO Process
The provisions relating to the appointment of a lead manager, in-principle approval from recognised stock exchange(s) and filing of offer document provided for IPOs for the issuer of specified securities shall mutatis mutandis apply to IPO by a SPAC.
Issue Size of SPAC:
- Not less than USD 50 million;
- Sponsors shall hold at least 15% and not more than 20% of the post issue paid up capital.
- Prior to an IPO, the Sponsor shall have aggregate subscription (all securities) in the SPAC amounting to USD 10 million or an amount equivalent to at least 2.5% of the issue size, whichever is lower; or any other threshold as may be specified by the IFSCA.
The issue shall be through a fixed price mechanism and the issuer shall determine the price in consultation with the lead manager(s).
Few brief SPAC Specific Obligations:
- Proceeds of the IPO are kept in an interest-bearing escrow account controlled by an independent custodian until consummation of the SPAC’s business combination;
- Proceeds kept in the escrow account shall be invested only in short-term investment-grade liquid instruments, as disclosed in the offer document;
- Income and interest from proceeds to be withdrawn from escrow account only for Payment of taxes and general working capital expenses subject to prior approval by way of special resolution of the shareholders other than sponsors.
- The SPAC shall seek shareholders’ approval on the proposed business combination and shall file a detailed prospectus with the recognised stock exchange(s) containing all relevant disclosures like information of target company(ies), valuation of entities, process involved in the business combination and a resultant company that would be formed after completion of the business combination
- SPAC shall seek prior approval from the majority of shareholders other than sponsors, for the proposed business combination.
- In the event of change in control of the SPAC, it shall provide the redemption option to the shareholders (other than sponsors) for converting their securities into a pro rata portion of the aggregate amount held in the escrow account (net of taxes payable).
- The SPAC shall complete the business combination within the timeline disclosed in the offer document, which shall not exceed 36 months from the date of listing on the recognised stock exchange(s).
- A sponsor shall not transfer or sell any of his specified securities prior to the completion of a business combination
F. Rights Issue, Preferential Issue and Qualified Institutions Placement:
A Listed Entity may make rights issues, preferential issues or qualified institutions placement of specified securities, subject to compliance with the requirements that may be specified by the Authority.
G. Listing Of Depository Receipts:
Eligibility- An issuer incorporated outside an IFSC shall be eligible to make an issue of depository receipts only if –
(i) It is authorised to issue depository receipts as per the applicable laws of its home jurisdiction; and
(ii) The underlying securities represented by such depository receipts is in dematerialized form, fully paid, and free from all encumbrances.
Offer size
The issue of depository receipts shall be of size not less than USD 700,000 or any other amount as may be specified by the Authority.
The issuer may determine the price of the depository receipts in consultation with the lead manager(s) through a fixed price or a book-building process
H. Listing of Debt securities :
Debt securities proposed to be issued and listed on a recognised stock exchange may be offered on a standalone basis or through a series of issuances (including medium-term note programme).
Filing of documents:
The issuer is to file the listing application along with a copy of the offer document or information memorandum to be filed with the recognised stock exchange .
Minimum subscription in case of private placement of Debt Securities:
The minimum subscription amount for an investor shall be disclosed in the offer document.
Credit Rating:
Credit Rating from a credit rating agency registered either with the IFSCA or with a regulator in a Foreign Jurisdiction is mandatory. Details of Credit Rating to be disclosed in the prospectus, shelf prospectus or information memorandum, as the case may be.
From April 01, 2025 or such other date as may be specified by IFSCA, the issuer is mandated to obtain a credit rating from at least one credit rating agency registered with IFSCA and may obtain any additional credit rating(s) from a globally recognised rating agency which is registered with a regulator in a Foreign Jurisdiction.
Public Issue of Debt Securities:
Issuer shall:
- Appoint a Trustee;
- Create a Debenture Redemption Reserve;
- Meet such other requirements as may be specified by the IFSCA or the recognised stock exchange(s) in IFSC.
I. ESG Labelled Debt Securities
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) labelled debt securities including “green”, “social”, “sustainability”, and “sustainability linked” debt securities or any other ESG labelled debt securities as may be specified by IFSCA, which is listed or proposed to be listed on a recognised stock exchange.
J. Listing Of Other Financial Products
An issuer may list a fund or an investment trust, commercial paper, certificate of deposit and such other financial products as may be specified by IFSCA.
K. Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements of Entities listed in GIFT City IFSC
Listed entities to comply with the listing obligations and disclosure requirements based on general principles. It shall require to appoint a qualified Company Secretary as the Compliance Officer.
Obligation of Entities with Specified Securities listed on Recognised Stock Exchanges as a Primary Listing:
- Material or Price Sensitive Information – to be disclosed immediately;
- Amendment to MoA and AoA or any other constitutional document- Material or Price Sensitive Information;
- Intimation of Board Meeting for dividends, buy-back, decision on fund raising, financial results, decision on voluntary delisting, material litigation and any material business event such as acquisition, demerger etc. – to be given 2 working days in advance.
- Proceedings of AGM and EGM – to be disclosed immediately;
- Change in Director, KMP, Auditor or Compliance Officer – to be disclosed immediately;
- Adverse opinion by the auditor – to be disclosed immediately;
- Investigation – to be disclosed immediately;
- Encumbrances of specified securities of the Listed Entity created or invoked or released by the promoters and the controlling shareholders – to be disclosed within two (2) working days of such creation or invocation or release, as the case may be.
- Shareholding Pattern – within fifteen (15) working days from the end of each quarter;
- Audited standalone and consolidated financial statements for the full financial year– to be disclosed immediately after the approval of the board of directors, but in any event not later than three (3) months of the end of financial year.
- Audited standalone and consolidated financial statements for each of the first 3 quarters– to be disclosed immediately after the approval of the board of directors, but in any event not later than three (45) days from the end of each quarter.
- Annual Report – to be submitted immediately after the finalisation;
- Statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) – to be submitted immediately after review by the audit committee but not later than forty five (45) days from the end of the quarter;
- Corporate Governance – timeline as may be specified by the IFSCA;
- Sustainability Report by Listed Entities having market capitalisation of USD 50 million or more – to be disclosed no later than six (6) months after the end of the financial year;
- Corporate Action such as stock split, consolidation, dividend, bonus issues or similar events – to be intimated at least three (3) working days in advance specifying the purpose of the record date;
- Meetings of shareholders and voting – to be disclosed within two (2) working days from the date of conclusion of the General Meeting
- Whistle Blower mechanism
- Website
Obligations of Entities with Debt Securities:
- Material or Price Sensitive Information – to be disclosed immediately;
- Any redemption or cancellation of the debt securities – to be disclosed immediately;
- Details of any interest payment(s), except where the debt securities are having fixed rate – to be disclosed immediately;
- any buy back or put option exercised – to be disclosed immediately;
- any delay in payment of principal and/or interest amount – to be disclosed immediately;
- any modification in terms and conditions of the issue – to be disclosed immediately;
- Financial statements for the full financial year– to be disclosed immediately after the approval of the board of directors, but in any event not later than three (3) months of the end of financial year.
- Annual Report – to be submitted immediately after the finalisation but in any event not later than six (6) months of the end of financial year;
- Revision in Credit Rating – to be disclosed immediately;
- Record Date – to be disclosed to the holders of debt securities in a timely manner.
The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows:
International Financial Services Centres Authority (
4. IFSCA signs MoU with Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) to Develop GIFT IFSC as a Global Finance and Accounting Hub
IFSCA vide its Press Release dated August 30, 2024, informed that IFSCA and ICMAI exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at IFSCA Headquarters, GIFT City, Gandhinagar.
The Objectives of the collaboration is as follows:
- to position GIFT IFSC as a leading “Global Finance and Accounting Hub;
- to support the export of financial services talent from GIFT;
- to leverage the extensive network of overseas chapters and members of ICMAI to actively disseminate information about the opportunities available within GIFT IFSC;
- to develop academic courses tailored to the specific needs of International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs), aligned to the global best practices.
- to create specialized courses in areas such as FinTech and TechFin, that cater to the evolving demands of GIFT IFSC.
The partnership between IFSCA and ICMAI shall contribute to fostering a world-class financial services ecosystem at GIFT IFSC.
The link to the aforesaid Press Release is as follows: