Risk Management Services
Risk and Returns are inversely related. Business is for profit/for Returns so certainly more Risk. Businesses must understand difference between Risk, Peril and Hazard. Well calculated planned risk with all measures of control would help business to sail through uncertainty, changes and management decisions. Leaders must know the Risk involved in the Business and be prepared. He must be having three qualities (1) Decisive (2) Disciplined and (3) Transparent.
Risk Management Policy to be deigned involving relevant department and Company Secretary is again a key personnel who can discuss and draft suitable policy with department heads, identify Risk, Plan to mitigate and set up process to report the risk to find solution effectively at real time.
The Business Risk can be Economic, Legal Financial, Operational, Competition, Reputation, Cyber-Fraud. There could be Fraud, Crime, Fire, Personal Injury, Cyber theft, reputation, labour strike, stoppage of raw material, death or illness of a key employee—the list of adverse events which can cause economic harm to your business or organization goes on. We all live in constant uncertainty but we plan to mitigate risk with awareness and preparedness.
The benefit of Risk Management Policy, Check-Up and Training to Team will gain better performance, smooth operations, and increase in reputation with customer satisfaction, increase in morale of team and over all better profitability.
Risk Management describe the system and processes which help to identify, evaluate , mitigate and report various risk of the business and its operation and management decisions which affect tangible and intangible assets of business.
Our Expertise includes:
- Design and implementing Risk Management Framework for business
- Drafting Risk Management Policy
- Advisory and Assessment of Risk
- Training the Team for Risk Management Framework
- Corporate Compliance Management
- Carry out Due Diligence and Report to management for various Corporate Actions like Acquisition of business, entity for inorganic growth, Investment, Public Issue of Securities, legal / financial/Secretarial compliances, health check-up of organization as running concern .
- Guide and set up Internal Control and Governance