Share and Learn August 2024

Legal Words:
- Movant: The person who filed the motion, or request, to the court.
- Ne Exeat: A legal paper requesting that a person be required to remain within the jurisdiction of the court.
- Subpoena: A command to appear in court to testify as a witness
- Unconditional Discharge: A sentence in a criminal case in which the defendant is released without imprisonment, probation supervision, or conditions.
- Infraction: A case where the fine may be paid by mail and usually the person does not have to appear or come to court.
Legal Maxim
- Vi et armis: With the force and arms.
- Lex Fori: The law of the country. The law of evidence is lex fori. It means the law of evidence is the law of the land where court proceedings are taken.
- Volenti Non-Fit Injuria: To the consenting, no injury is done.
- Detinue: Tort of wrongfully holding goods that belong to someone else.
- Ipse Dixit: He himself said it.