Amendments in the Companies Act, 2013 during the calendar year 2024

1. Notice inviting comments on the review of Rules prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013, and the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

On January 15, 2024, MCA vide Notification issued, decided that the Companies intending to file Form related to certain provisions must adhere to the newly released Policy for Pre-Legislative Consultation and a comprehensive review of existing rules and regulations under various MCA-administered legislations. This Policy follows the announcement in the 2023-24 Budget Speech.

This Policy focuses on consulting with the public before making laws and thoroughly reviewing the current rules and regulations under the different laws it manages which are as follows:  

  1. The Companies Act, 2013
  2. The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  3. The Competition Act, 2002.
  4. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
  5. The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
  6. The Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959
  7. The Company Secretaries Act, 1980   

Accordingly, comments/suggestions have been invited from the stakeholders through the e-Consultation Platform on the MCA website on the Rules issued under such legislation. In the first phase, rules relating to the Companies Act, 2013 and the LLP Act, 2008 shall be posted on the e-consultation module for inviting comments/suggestions with effect from 25 January 2024.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

2. Policy for Pre-Legislative Consultation and Comprehensive review of existing Rules and Regulations

On January 15, 2024, MCA notification, had decided to frame a policy for pre-legislative consultation and for a comprehensive review of rules/regulations.

The draft policy is divided into two parts i.e. Part A and Part B. Part A deals with “Policy for Pre-Legislative consultation with regard to framing of rules and regulations” while Part B deals with “Policy for Pre-Legislative consultation with regard to a comprehensive review of existing rules and regulations”

The exercise of a comprehensive review of existing rules and regulations shall commence with effect from January 01, 2024, and be completed within the financial year 2024-25.

The link for the aforesaid notification is as below:

3. The Companies (Listing of Equity Shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024

On January 24, 2024, MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R. 61(E) issued the Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024 effective from January 24, 2024. These rules enable Indian public companies to directly list their equity shares on international exchanges.

The rules apply to:

  1. Unlisted public companies, and
  2. Listed public companies, to the extent that they comply with regulations or directives issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or relevant authorities.

A Permissible Jurisdiction refers to the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in India, while a Permitted Stock Exchange includes the India International Exchange (INX) and NSE International Exchange.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

4. Establishment of Central Processing Centre (CPC)

On February 02, 2024, MCA vide Notification No. S.O. 446(E) announced the establishment of a Central Processing Centre (CPC) at Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Plot No. 6,7,8, Sector 5, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana- 122050.

CPC shall now be responsible for processing and disposing of e-forms along with the fee as provided in the Companies (Registration of Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014, replacing the jurisdictional Registrars in this capacity. However, the jurisdictional Registrars will retain authority over companies regarding all other provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules therein, excluding e-forms.

CPC is established to streamline and improve the processing of electronic forms pertaining to company matters under the Companies Act of 2013.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

5. Relaxation of additional fees and extension of last date of filing of Form No. in LLP BEN 2 and LLP Form No.4D under the Limited Partnership Act, 2008

On February 07, 2024, MCA vide Notification issued a relaxation of additional fees and an extension of the last date of filing of Form No. LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4D under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.

In view of the transition of MCA-21 from version-2 to version-3 and to promote compliance by the reporting Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), it is informed that such LLPs may file Form LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4D, without payment of any additional fees, up to 15.05.2024. The two forms shall be made available in version-3 for filing purposes w. e. f 15.04.2024.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

6. MCA operationalizes the Central Processing Centre (CPC) for the Centralized Processing of Corporate Filings

On February 16, 2024, MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R. 107(E) issued the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2024 effective from February 16, 2024. 12 forms/applications will be processed at CPC from February 16, 2024, followed by other forms from April 01, 2024 onward.

On the lines of continuous endeavor to provide Ease of Doing Business in pursuance to Union Budget Announcement 2023-24, CPC has been established to process forms filed as part of various regulatory requirements under the Companies Act, 2013 and Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 in a centralized manner, requiring no physical interaction with the stakeholders.

CRC, C-PACE, and CPC will ensure the speedy processing of applications and forms filed for incorporation, and closure and for meeting regulatory requirements so that the companies are incorporated, and closed, can alter and raise capital, and can complete their various compliances under the corporate laws with ease.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

7. Incorporation-related services provided by MCA

On February 13, 2024, MCA issued a notification stating that the incorporation-related services provided by the MCA can now be accessed through the National Single Window System (NSWS). This can be done via the following link:

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

8. The Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2024

On February 16, 2024, MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R.107 (E) issued the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2024. effective from February 16, 2024, amending the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014 (Original Rules), and inserted Rule 10A.

The Central Processing Center shall examine every application, e-Form, or document for approval or registration by the Registrar under section 396 (Registration Offices) of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Registrar shall decide on the application, e-forms, or documents within 30 days from the date of its filing excluding the cases in which approval of the Central Government, the Regional Director, or any other competent authority is required.

The Registrar of the CPC shall exercise jurisdiction all over India in respect of the examination of the following application, e-forms, or documents:



MGT- 14

Filing of Resolutions and Agreements

SH- 7

Alteration in Capital

INC- 24

Change in Name

INC- 6

Conversion of One Person Company to Private or Public, or Private to OPC

INC- 27

Conversion from Private into Public or vice versa

INC- 20

Revocation/surrender of License under Section 8 of the Act

DPT- 3

Return of Deposits

MSC- 1

Application for obtaining the status of Dormant Company

MSC- 4

Application for seeking the status of Active Company

SH- 8

Letter of Offer for Buy-Back

SH- 9

Declaration of Solvency

SH- 11

Return in respect of buy-back of securities

In case multiple applications, e-Forms, or documents are filed at a time, then all the applications, e-Forms, or documents shall be examined and decided by the Registrar of the CPC.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

9. Deployment and usage of Change Request Form (CRF) on MCA-21– reg.

On February 19, 2024, MCA vide General Circular No. 02/2024 informed its stakeholders that the Change Request Form (CRF) has been made available on the V3 portal of MCA-21. This web-based Form is to be used only under exceptional circumstances, for requesting the Registrar of Companies (RoCs), for purposes that cannot be catered through any existing form or services or functionality available either at the Front Office level (users of MCA-21 services) or Back Office level (RoCs).

The Form will be processed by RoCs within 3 days of its filing, after which it will be forwarded to the Joint Director (e-governance cell), who shall process and decide the matter within a maximum time of 7 days.  

The link for the aforesaid General Circular is as below:

10. MCA invites public comments on the Report of the Committee on Digital Competition Law and Draft Bill on Digital Competition Law

MCA constituted a Committee on Digital Competition Law (CDCL) on the recommendations provided in the 53rd Report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance. The CDCL, chaired by the Secretary of MCA, was tasked with assessing the necessity for a distinct law concerning competition within digital markets. The Committee has submitted its report along with the Draft Bill on Digital Competition Law.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed on this module until April 15, 2024.

The report is placed under the section Data & Reports on the MCA website and may be accessed at: 

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

11. Notice inviting comments from various stakeholders on the draft for the refund process from the IEPF Authority

On March 14, 2024, MCA issued a notice that the IEPF Authority is seeking feedback on the draft procedure for the refund process, aiming to streamline and accelerate the refund claims process under the Companies Act 2013. Comments can be submitted via email to until April 15, 2024. Alternatively, suggestions can be provided through the e-consultation module of MCA.

The link for the aforesaid notice is as below: 

12. Relaxation of additional fees and extension Form No. LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4D under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

On May 07, 2024, MCA issued General Circular No.- 03/2024 issuing relaxation of additional fees and extension of the last date of filing of LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4D:

In view of the transition of MCA-21 from version-2 to version-3 and to promote compliance on the part of reporting Limited Liability Partnerships, and in continuation of General Circulars No. 01/2024 dated February 07, 2024, it has been decided by the competent authority that LLPs may file Form LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4D, without payment of any further additional fees, up to July 01, 2024.

The link for the aforesaid General Circular is as below:

13. MCA to roll out 9 more forms for statutory filing of forms on the V3 portal in July

MCA is launched the 3rd set of Company Forms covering 9 forms i.e. MSME, BEN-2, MGT-6, IEPF-1, IEPF-1A, IEPF-2, IEPF-4, IEPF-5, IEPF-5 e-verification report on 15th July, 2024, at 12:00 AM.

To facilitate the implementation of these forms in the V3 MCA21 portal, stakeholders are advised to note the following points:

  1. Company e-filings on the V2 portal will be disabled from 04th July 2024, 12:00 AM.
  2. All stakeholders are advised to ensure that there are no SRNs in pending payment/pending for investor details upload/Resubmission status.
  3. Offline payments for the above 9 forms in V2 using the Pay Later option would be stopped from 01st July 2024 12:00 AM.
  4. Given the upcoming launch of 9 Company forms, the V3 portal will not be available from 13th July 2024 12:00 AM to 14th July 2024 11:59 pm.
  5. The V2 Portal for company filing will remain available for all the V2 forms excluding above mentioned 9 forms.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

14. Extension of time for filing of Form PAS-7 for intimation of the details of Share Warrants

On July 06, 2024, MCA vide General Circular 05/2024, informed stakeholders about the extension of the timeline till August 05, 2024, in filing Form PAS-7 (Required to intimate about outstanding share warrants issued under the Companies Act 1956) without payment of additional fees.

MCA earlier on October 27, 2023, had amended Rule 9(2)(a) of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014, which reads that every public company that had issued share warrants before the commencement of the Companies Act, 2013 and not converted such warrants into shares should have informed about such warrants to the Registrar in Form PAS-7 within three (3) months from October 27, 2023. However, Form PAS 7 was deployed on the MCA website recently and hence the extension of time till 05 August 2024 was given to the Company without payment of additional fees.

The link for the aforesaid General Circular is as below: 

15. The Companies (Management & Administration) Amendment Rules, 2024

On July 15, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R 403, introduced the Companies (Management & Administration) Amendment Rules, 2024 wherein Form MGT-6 is substituted in the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

16. The Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Amendment Rules, 2024

On July 15, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R 404(E) introduced the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Amendment Rules, 2024 wherein Form BEN-2 is substituted in the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Rules, 2018.

A few changes in the new Form BEN-2 are as follows:

In the head Purpose of filing Form new subheads are added which are: –

  • For change in particulars of existing Significant Beneficial Ownership u/s 90.
  • Change of the existing holding reporting company.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

17. Specified Companies (Furnishing of Information about Payment to Micro and Small Enterprise Suppliers) Order, 2019

On July 15, 2024, MCA vide Notification S.O. 2751(E) informed that the Central Government has issued Specified Companies (Furnishing of Information about Payment to Micro and Small Enterprise Suppliers) Order, 2024 and amended the Specified Companies (Furnishing of Information about Payment to Micro and Small Enterprise Suppliers) Order, 2019 (“Original Order”)

A proviso is inserted after Para 3 in the Original Order stating that only those specified companies which are having payments pending to any Micro or Small Enterprises for more than 45 days from the date of Acceptance or the date of Deemed Acceptance of the goods or services under section 9 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 shall furnish the information in MSME Form-1.

Also, a new format of Form MSME-1 is substituted which requires many more details than the earlier version of Form MSME-1.

Presently, the Companies are required to file MSME Form I mentioning the details of payments outstanding to Micro or Small Enterprises beyond 45 days from the date of acceptance or date of deemed acceptance of goods or services, within 30 days from the end of each half year. Further, only the amounts that are outstanding as of the last date of each half year, which are outstanding for more than 45 days from the date of acceptance or date of deemed acceptance of goods or services were being reported due to the requirements of the form.

Now, with this amendment, there are additional reporting requirements to be made by the companies which are as follows and to be given with the reason for the delay:

  1. Details of Micro or Small Enterprises to whom payment has been made within 45 days during the relevant half year (through TreDS or Other Mode of Payments).
  2. Details of Micro or Small Enterprises to whom payment has been made after 45 days during the relevant half year.
  3. Details of Micro or Small Enterprises whose payment is outstanding for 45 days or less as on the last date of the relevant half year.
  4. Details of Micro or Small Enterprises whose payment is outstanding for more than 45 days as of the last date of the relevant half year.

From the newly inserted proviso, it appears that only those Companies having payments pending to any micro or small enterprises for more than 45 days from the date of acceptance or the date of deemed acceptance of the goods or services are required to file the MSME Form I. However, as per the data requested in the Form MSME-1, it seems that all the Companies whether having payments pending or not to any micro or small enterprises for more than 45 days from the date of acceptance or the date of deemed acceptance of the goods or services, are required to file the said form.

The rationale behind the introduction of the above additional requirements in the form is to aid the enforcement of the announcement made in budget 2024 regarding the payments that are made to Micro or Small Enterprises beyond 45 days from the date of acceptance or the date of deemed acceptance of the goods or services shall not be allowed as a deductible expense for income tax.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

18. The Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014 regarding DIR-3 KYC

On July 16, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 412(E) informed that the Central Government notified the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) (Amendment) Rules, 2024.

Rule 12A in the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 has been amended which are regarding intimation of changes in the details while making the application for obtaining a Directors Identification Number (DIN).

If an individual desires to update his mobile number or e-mail address, as the case may be, he shall update the same by submitting the e-form DIR-3 KYC only on or before September 30 of the financial year with no fees; and

If an individual intends to update his mobile number or email address again at any time during the financial year in addition to the updation allowed on or before September 30 of the FY he shall update the same by submitting e-form DIR-3 KYC on payment of fees of Rs. 500/-

The Amended Rules shall come into force from August 01, 2024.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:  

19. Nidhi (Amendment) Rules, 2024

On July 16, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 413(E) informed that the Central Government notified Nidhi (Amendment) Rules, 2014 which states that a Company shall not use the words “Nidhi Limited” unless it is declared by the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette as declared to be a Nidhi or Mutual Benefit Society, as the case may be.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

20. Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016

On July 16, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 414(E) informed that the Central Government notified the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Amendment Rules, 2024.

According to the amendments in the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 the following amendments are made:

  1. Form IEPF-3 is substituted with Form IEPF-4
  2. Form IEPF-7 is substituted with Form IEPF-1
  3. Amendments are made in Rule 6 relating to Finance, Accounts, and Audit:
    1. Earlier sub-rule (13) stated that any amount required to be credited by the companies to the Fund as provided under sub-rule (10), (11), and (12) should be remitted into the specified account of the IEPF Authority maintained in the Punjab National Bank within 30 days. However, now with the amendment, the amount is to be transferred online to the Authority within 30 days from July 16, 2024.
      Now the details of the remittance are required to be furnished to the Authority in Form IEPF 7 without any time limit of 30 days from the date of remittance or within 30 days from July 16, 2024.
    2. Earlier sub-rule (13A) stated that any amount required to be credited by the companies to the Fund as provided under sub-rule (11A) required to be remitted into the specified account of the IEPF Authority maintained in the Punjab National Bank. However, now with the amendment, it shall be transferred online to the Authority within 30 days from the date such amount becomes due.Now the details of the remittance are required to be furnished to the Authority in Form IEPF 7 without any time limit of 30 days from the date of remittance or within 30 days from July 16, 2024, as the case may be.
    3. Earlier Rule 6A (12) stated that any amount required to be credited by the companies to the Fund as provided under sub-rule (9), (10), and sub-rule (11) is required to be remitted into the specified account of the IEPF Authority maintained in the Punjab National Bank. However, with the amendment, it shall be transferred online to the Authority.
    4. Now the details of the remittance are required to be furnished to the Authority in Form IEPF 7 within 30 days of such amount becoming due to be credited to the Fund. (Earlier the details of the remittance were required to be furnished to the Authority in Form IEPF 7 within 30 days from the date of remittance)
  4. Formats of forms IEPF-1, IEPF-1A, and IEPF-2 have been substituted.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

21. Filings under Sections 124 and 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with IEPF Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules 2016 given the transition from MCA 21 V2 to V3

On July 16, 2024, MCA vide General Circular 06/2024 informed that due to the transition of forms from MCA 21 V2 to V3 and to provide an opportunity to make compliances thereof, an additional fee on filing of various IEPF e-forms (IEPF -1, IEPF-1A, |EPF-2, IEPF-4) and e- verification of claims filed in e-form IEPF-5 has been waived till August 16, 2024.

Similarly, one-time relaxation for filing of e-verification under IEPFA (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules has also been provided till August 16, 2024.

The link for the aforesaid General Circular is as below:

22. The (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2024

On July 16, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 411(E) informed that the Central Government notified the Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2024.

As per the amended Rules, the word Nidhi is omitted from clause (p) which means that if the proposed name includes the word Nidhi a declaration to be submitted by the applicant that the requirements mandated by the respective regulator have been complied with by the applicant is not mandatory.

Clause (v) which states that the proposed name of a Nidhi company under the Act does not have the last words “Nidhi Limited” as a part of its name shall be omitted.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

23. Merger of Forms IEPF-3 With IEPF-4 and IEPF-7 with IEPF-1 along with a change in the payment process thereof in MCA V3

On July 17, 2024, MCA vide General Circular 07/2024 informed that to ease the compliance burden and simplify filings, it has been decided to merge Form IEPF-3 (Statement of shares and unclaimed or unpaid dividend not transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund) with Form IEPF-4 (Statement of shares transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund) & IEPF-7 (Statement of amounts credited to IEPF on account of shares transferred to the fund) with IEPF-1 (Statement of amounts credited to Investor Education and Protection Fund) in MCA V3. The revised forms will be made STP (Straight Through Process).

The link for the aforesaid General Circular is as below:

24. The Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2024.

On August 5, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R 475(E) amended the Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009, under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. The Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2024, effective from August 27, 2024, incorporate several changes, particularly to Rule 37 (“Striking OFF name of the defunct LLP”).

Centre for Processing Accelerated Corporate Exit (C-PACE) was established vide MCA Notification dated March 17, 2023, for faster closure of Companies & LLP.

The amendments include the introduction of the C-PACE alongside the Registrar in various sub-rules, specifically in clauses and provisions related to the accelerated Exit process of LLPs.

The explanation added to sub-rule (1) clarifies the definition and establishment of this Centre. These changes aim to streamline and expedite the corporate exit procedures for LLPs.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

25. The Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Amendment Rules, 2024.

On August 5, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 476(E) introduced the Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Amendment Rules, 2024 (the Principle Rule) which will come into effect on September 16, 2024. A new Rule 3A is inserted in the Principle Rule. According to this Rule:

  1. All the proceedings of the Adjudicating Officer and Regional Director under the aforesaid Rule shall be in electronic mode through the e-adjudication platform developed by the Central Government for this purpose.
  2. If the email address of a person who needs to receive a notice or summons is unavailable, the Adjudicating Officer must send the notice by post to the last known address or the address on record. Additionally, the officer must keep a copy of the notice in the electronic records on the e-adjudication platform. If no address of the person concerned is available, the notice shall be placed on the e-adjudication platform.
  3. The Annexure to the said rules, Form ADJ which relates to the “Memorandum of Appeal” has been substituted.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

26. The Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2024.

On August 12, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 492 (E) in consultation with the National Financial Reporting Authority made the rules to amend the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2015, which has become effective from the date of this Notification. These rules are called as the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2024.

These amendments relate to Insurance Contracts and Ind AS 117 supersedes Ind AS 104 .

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below: 

27. The Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Rules, 2014.

On August 12, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 491(E) notified the Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Amendment Rules, 2024 and thereby amended the Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Rules, 2014 (the Principle Rule). These new Rules will be effective from September 09, 2024.
  1. Rule 3(3) of the Principle Rule, is regarding Furnishing the particulars relating to Directors and Secretary by Foreign Companiesto the Registrar within 30 days of its establishment. Now with this amendment, the Foreign Company is required to give these particulars to the Registrar, Central Registration Centre.
  2. Rule 8(1) of the Principle Rule, is regarding the Office Where Documents to be Delivered and Fee for Registration of Documentswhich reads that any document that any foreign company is required to deliver to the Registrar shall be delivered to the Registrar having jurisdiction over New Delhi. In this Rule 8 a new proviso is inserted which provides that “Provided that the documents for registration by a foreign company referred to in Rule 3 (3) shall be delivered in Form FC-1 to the Registrar, Central Registration Centre.”
The link for the aforesaid Notification is as below:

28. The Competition (Minimum Value of Assets or Turnover) Rules, 2024

On September 09, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R 547(E), notified the Competition (Minimum Value of Assets or Turnover) Rules, 2024.

The Rules provide that the Minimum Value of Assets and Turnover for Section 5(e) of the Competition Act are:

  1. the value of assets shall be INR 450 crores; and
  2. the value of turnover shall be INR 1250 crores.

The above Rules shall come into force with effect from September 10, 2024.

The link of the aforesaid mentioned Notification is as follows:

29. The Competition (Criteria of Combination) Rules, 2024

On September 09, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R 548(E) notified the Competition (Criteria of Combination) Rules, 2024.

The Rules inter alia deal with Criteria of Combination. It provides that under section 6(4) of the Competition Act, the parties to a combination, their respective group entities, and their affiliates who fulfill the following criteria, may give notice for such combination under that sub-section, namely:

  1. they do not produce or provide similar or identical or substitutable products or services;
  2. they are not engaged in any activity relating to production, supply, distribution, storage, sale, and service or trade-in product or provision of service:
    1. which are at different stages or levels of production; or
    2. which are complementary to each other.

The parties to the combination and their respective group entities are also defined to mean:

  • the ultimate controlling person of the acquirer and other entities forming part of the same group;
  • the enterprise being acquired and its downstream entities forming part of its group;
  • enterprises being merged or amalgamated, their controlling persons, and entities forming part of their group.

The notification defines affiliates as entities with 10% or more shareholding or voting rights in an enterprise, the right or ability to have board representation as observers or directors in an enterprise, or access to commercially sensitive information of an enterprise.

The above Rules shall come into force with effect from September 10, 2024.

The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

30. Competition (Criteria for Exemption of Combinations) Rules, 2024

On September 09, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R 549(E) notified the Competition (Criteria for Exemption of Combination) Rules, 2024.

The Rules deal with the categories of combinations that fulfill the criteria mentioned in the Schedule to the Rules shall be exempted from the requirement to comply with sub-sections (2), (2A), and (4) of section 6 of the Competition Act. The above Rules shall come into force with effect from September 10, 2024.

The exemptions include:

  1. acquisitions of shares in the ordinary course of business, such as those by underwriters, stockbrokers, and mutual funds, provided they do not exceed certain thresholds of shareholding or voting rights, typically capped at 25% for most cases and 10% for mutual funds.
  2. Acquisitions solely for investment purposes that do not lead to control over the enterprise, and internal mergers or acquisitions within the same group that do not alter control are also covered.
  3. Acquisitions of additional shares or voting rights of an enterprise by the acquirer or its group entities, where the acquirer or its group entities, before acquisition, holds shares or voting rights of the enterprise, but does not hold more than 25% of the shares or voting rights of the enterprise, either before or after such acquisition and which does not lead to control over the target enterprise, does not grant board representation, does not provide access to sensitive information, and does not involve competitive activities. In cases where related activities are engaged, the acquisition must be limited to 10% of shares or voting rights.
  4. Acquisitions increasing shareholdings to 25% or less, or from 25% to 50%, are exempt provided there is no change in control or new board representation. Acquisitions where the acquirer already holds over 50% of shares are also exempt, as long as there is no change in control.
  5. Certain asset acquisitions in the ordinary course of business which include stock-in-trade, raw materials, or similar assets that do not constitute a business.
  6. An acquisition of assets, not directly related to the business activity of the party acquiring the asset or made solely as an investment, not leading to control of the enterprise whose assets are being acquired except where the assets being acquired represent substantial business operations in a particular location or for a particular product or service of the enterprise, of which assets are being acquired, irrespective of whether such assets are organized as a separate legal entity or not
  7. Acquisitions resulting from bonus issues, stock splits, or rights issues that do not lead to changes in control.
  8. Asset transfers and mergers within the same group are exempt as long as control remains unchanged.
  9. Acquisition of shares, control, voting rights, or assets by a purchaser approved by the Competition Commission of India.
  10. Demerger of a company and issue of shares by resulting company, in consideration of demerger, either to the demerged company or to the shareholders of the demerged company in the proportion of their shareholding in the demerged company before the demerger, except for discharge of consideration for fractional shares.

The acquirer and its group entities mean the ultimate controlling person of the acquirer and other entities forming part of the same group.

An entity is considered to be an affiliate of another enterprise if that other enterprise has:

  • 10% or more of the shareholding or voting rights of the enterprise; or
  • right or ability to have a representation on the board of directors of the enterprise either as a director or as an observer; or
  • right or ability to access commercially sensitive information of the enterprise.

The detailed criteria for these exemptions are outlined in the appended schedule, specifying conditions under which combinations can benefit from these exemptions.

The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

31. Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Second Amendment Rules, 2024

On September 09, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 552 (E) amended the Companies (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, under the Companies Act, 2013 vide the Companies (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Second Amendment Rules, 2024.

The word “shares” has been replaced with “securities” throughout Schedule II of the rules.

In cases where a copy of the legal heir certificate issued by the revenue authority, not below the rank of Tahsildar having jurisdiction is submitted, the same shall be accompanied with:

  1. notarized indemnity bond from the legal heir or claimant to whom the securities are transmitted; and
  2. a no objection certificate from all legal heirs other than claimants, stating that they have relinquished their rights to the claim for transmission of securities, duly attested by a notary public or by a gazetted officer.

The value of the securities as of the date of application shall be quantified by the applicant based on the closing price of such securities at any one of the recognized stock exchanges a day prior to the date of such submission in the application, for listed securities, and for unlisted securities, the value shall be the quantified basis on the face value or the maturity value of the security, whichever is more.

In Schedule III, the following explanations are inserted, namely:

Explanation I: A foreign national or non-resident Indian, instead of documents mentioned in item 1, shall be permitted to provide self-declaration of securities lost or misplaced or stolen which shall be duly notarised or apostilled or consularised in their country of residence, along with self-attested copies of valid passport and overseas address proof.

Explanation II: The value of the securities as of the date of application shall be quantified by the applicant based on the closing price of such securities at any one of the recognized stock exchanges a day prior to the date of such submission in the application, for listed securities, and for unlisted securities, the value shall be the quantified basis on the face value of the maturity value of the securities, whichever is more.

In Schedule IV the following is inserted which states that the company shall take a special contingency insurance policy from the insurance company towards the risk arising out of such claim in respect of the verification report under sub-rule (3) of rule 7 or the revised verification report under the second proviso of sub-rule (7) of the said rule, as the case may be. 

The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows: 

32. The Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Second Amendment Rules, 2024

On September 09, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 554 (E) amended the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, under the Companies Act, 2013 vide the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Second Amendment Rules, 2024.

One of the significant changes is the addition of new clauses pertaining to leaseback transactions under Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 116. The changes ensure that gains or losses related to retained rights are not recognized unless specific requirements are met, providing seller-lessees with greater clarity on how to use lease obligations and the right-of-use asset.

Additionally, illustrative examples are provided to demonstrate the proper application of the modified rules, including how to manage sale and leaseback transactions including both variable and fixed payments. These rules aim to simplify accounting processes while ensuring compliance with the Ind AS laws.

These changes will take effect for reporting periods beginning on or after April 1, 2024.

The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows: 

33. The Companies (Compromises, Arrangements, and Amalgamations) Amendment Rules, 2024

On September 09, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 555(E) amended the Companies (Compromises, Arrangements, and Amalgamations) Rules, 2016, under the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) vide the Companies (Compromises, Arrangements, and Amalgamations) Amendment Rules, 2024. These amendments are effective from September 17, 2024.

In rule 25A with respect to the Merger or amalgamation of a foreign company with a Company and vice versa, a new sub-rule (5) is being inserted, namely:

Where the transferor foreign company incorporated outside India being a holding company and the transferee Indian company being a wholly owned subsidiary company incorporated in India, enter into merger or amalgamation, –

  1. both the companies shall obtain the prior approval of RBI;
  2. the transferee Indian company shall comply with the provisions of section 233 of the Act;
  3. the application shall be made by the transferee Indian company to the Central Government under section 233 of the Act and provisions of rule 25 shall apply to such application; and
  4. the declaration referred to in sub-rule (4) shall be made at the stage of making an application under section 233 of the Act.

This amendment ensures compliance with regulatory authorities and the Act by providing clarification and procedural requirements for cross-border mergers involving foreign holding Companies and their Indian subsidiaries.

The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

34. Declaration of National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) as a Public Financial Institution

On September 12, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 557(E) officially designated the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) as a public financial institution under the Companies Act, 2013.

The link to the aforesaid Notification is as follows:  

35. Clarification on the holding of Annual General Meetings (AGM) and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings (EGM) through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) and passing of Ordinary and Special Resolutions by the companies under the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules made thereunder

On September 19, 2024, MCA vide General Circular 09/2024, issued a clarification with respect to the procedures for conducting Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) via Video Conferencing (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM).

In continuation to this Ministry’s General Circular No. 20/2020 dated May 05, 2020, General Circular No. 02/2022 dated May 05, 2022, General Circular No. 10/2022 dated December 28, 2022, and General Circular No. 09/2023 dated September 25, 2023, after due examination, it has been decided to allow companies whose AGMs are due in the Year 2024 or 2025, to conduct their AGMs through VC or OAVM on or before September 30, 2025, in accordance with the requirements laid down in Para 3 and Para 4 of the General Circular No. 20/2020 dated May 05, 2020.

However, it is hereby clarified that the General Circular shall not be construed as conferring any extension of statutory time for holding of AGMs by the companies under the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the companies which have not adhered to the relevant statutory timelines shall be liable to legal action under the appropriate provisions of the Act.

The link to the aforesaid General Circular is as follows:  

36. The Competition (Amendment) Act, 2023

On September 19, 2024, MCA vide Notification S.O. 4031(E), notified the enforcement of Section 19(f) of the Competition (Amendment) Act, 2023, effective from September 19, 2024.

This clause amends Section 26 of the Competition Act by adding sub-section (9). The new sub-section allows the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to either close an investigation or pass an order under Section 27 upon completing its inquiry. However, before issuing a final order, the CCI is required to issue a show-cause notice to the concerned parties, detailing the alleged violations. The notice will provide the parties an opportunity to respond and present their case before any decision is finalized. This amendment strengthens procedural fairness by ensuring that the parties involved are given a reasonable opportunity to be heard before the CCI takes action.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

37. The Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Amendment Rules, 2024

On September 20, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 583(E), amended the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014, under the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) vide the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Amendment Rules, 2024.

Rule 9B of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 relates to the Issue of securities in dematerialized form by private companies. As per the amendment, a producer company covered under rule 9B (2) shall issue the securities only in dematerialized form and facilitate the dematerialization of all its securities, in accordance with provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996 and regulations made thereunder and shall comply with the provision within a period of five years of closure of such financial year.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

38. The Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2024

On September 24, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 587(E), amended the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, under the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) vide the Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2024.

As per the amendments a new proviso is being inserted in the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, in rule 12 (1B) which reads that for the financial year 2023-2024, Form CSR-2 shall be filed separately on or before December 31, 2024, after filing Form No. AOC-4 or Form No. AOC-4-NBFC (Ind AS), as specified in these rules or Form No. AOC-4 XBRL as specified in the Companies (Filing of Documents and Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2015 as the case may be.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

39. The Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Third Amendment Rules, 2024

On September 28, 2024, MCA vide Notification G.S.R. 602 (E), amended the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, under the Companies Act, 2013 vide the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Third Amendment Rules, 2024.

In Rule 5 (exemptions), a new proviso has been inserted which states that an insurer or insurance company may provide its financial statement as per Ind AS 104 for consolidated financial statements by its parent or investor or venturer till the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority notifies Ind AS 117 and for this purpose, Ind AS 104 shall, as specified in the Schedule (inserted vide this Notification) to these rules, continue to apply.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

40. Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2024

On October 03, 2024, MCA has notified Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2024.

Pursuant to the said amendment rules, the Annual Statement of Accounts of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority shall be signed by the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer instead of any one Member of the Authority.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

41. Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Second Amendment Rules, 2024

On October 09, 2024, MCA has notified Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Second Amendment Rules, 2024.  With this amendment, a proviso has been inserted in sub-rule (1) of rule 3A of the Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Rules, 2014.

The proviso clarifies that any proceedings that are pending before the Adjudicating Officer or Regional Director on the effective date of Rule 3A of Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Rules, 2014 viz. September 16, 2024 shall continue in physical mode and the new proceedings on or after the said date, it shall take place in electronic mode only through the e-adjudication platform developed by the Central Government for this purpose.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

42. The Companies (Accounts) Second Amendment Rules, 2024.

On December 31, 2024, MCA vide notification G.S.R. 794(E), has notified the Companies (Accounts) Second Amendment Rules, 2024.

Pursuant to the said amendment rules, the Due date for filing the Form CSR-2 for the Financial Year 2023-24 has been extended and pursuant to the same, the Form CSR-2 shall be filed on or before 31st March, 2025.

The link for the aforesaid Notification is as follows:

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