Share and Learn December 2024

Legal words:
- Bench Warrant: Court papers issued by the judge, “from the bench,” for the arrest of a person.
- Charge to Jury: In trial practice, an address delivered by the court to the jury at the close of the case instructing the jury as to what principles of law they are to apply in reaching a decision
- Complex Litigation: A specialized docket designed for complex civil cases, where one judge hears the case from beginning to end. Criteria includes: multiple parties, large amounts of money, lengthy trial or complex legal issues.
- Detention Hearing or Detention Release Hearing: A hearing on the first business day after a juvenile is admitted to a Juvenile Residential Center concerning the legality and appropriateness of continued detention of the juvenile. The detention decision must be reviewed at least every fifteen days.
- Family With Service Needs: Also called FWSN. A family that includes a child, who (a) runs away without just cause, (b) is beyond the control of his/her parents/guardian, (c) has engaged in indecent or immoral conduct, and/or (d) is a truant or continuously defiant of school rules and regulations.
- Jury Charge: The judge’s formal instructions on the law to the jury before it begins deliberations.
- Non-Suit: Vacating a case by the court, usually for failure to prosecute.
Legal Maxims:
- Volenti non fit injuria: No injury can be done to a willing person.
- Ex injuria jus non oritur: Law (or right) does not arise from injustice.
- Non obstante verdict: Notwithstanding the verdict.
- Actio personalis moritur cum persona: Action dies with the person.
- Alienatio rei praefertur juri accrescendi: Alienation is preferred by the law rather than accumulation.
- Debitum in praesenti, solvendum in future: Debt in the present, to be paid in the future.