Share and Learn Oct 2023

Legal Words:
- Scuffle: a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.
- Sardonic: grimly mocking or cynical.
- Enigma: Mysterious or difficult to understand.
- RE: in the matter of.
- Advent: arrival of a notable person or thing.
- Evacuee: A person evacuated from a place of danger.
- Construed: interpret in a particular way.
- Pari material: on the same material.
- Accentuating: More noticeable.
- Erudite: learned.
- Ubi jus ibi remedium:There is no wrong without a remedy or where there is a legal right there is a remedy.
- Subla Fundamento cadit opus: A foundation being removed, the superstructure falls.
- Non obstante verdict: Notwithstanding the verdict.
- nulla poena sine lege: Every criminal law has to fulfil all the qualifications.
- Pendente lite: During litigation.
- Prima facie: On the face of it.
- Animus nocendi: Intention to harm.
- Actus curiae neminem gravabit: Court actions could be heavy.
- Aequitas factum habet quod fieri oportuit: Equity looks upon that as done which ought to have been done.
- Amicus curie: A friend of the court.
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No