Share and Learn Nov 2024

Legal words:
- Amicus Curiae brief: A Latin term meaning “friend of the court.” An Amicus Curiae brief is filed by someone who is not a party to a case but has an interest in its outcome. A person who wants to file an amicus curiae brief usually has to get the court’s permission to do so.
- Contempt of Court: An act of disrespect or disobedience toward a court or interference with its orderly process. Example disrupting court proceedings, interfering with attempts to obtain evidence, destroying evidence, disobeying a court order, and intimidating witnesses.
- Ad valorem: It means in proportion to the value. An ad valorem duty goes up as the value of the goods, shares and so on that it is charged on rises. (This term is Latin.)
- Bequeath: To leave something (such as possessions or money) to someone in your will.
- Malice: Intent to commit an unlawful act.
- Indict: It means to formally charge someone with a crime, usually in a court of law.
- Subpoena: A court-issued order that requires a person to appear in court or other legal proceedings to testify or produce evidence.
Legal Maxims:
- Actionable per se: The very act is punishable, and no proof of damage is required.
- Actori incumbit onus probandi: The burden of proof is on the plaintiff, that is the person who makes a claim must prove it.
- De Minimis Non Curat Lex: The law does not govern/concerns itself with trifles (unimportant things).
- Lex non a rege est violanda: The law must not be violated even by the king.
- Jus in rem: Right against the world at large or a right enforceable against anyone in the world.