Quiz Question June 2024

1. The Company has raised funds by the issue of Non-Convertible Debentures which are unsecured and unlisted, whether the same is considered  Exempted Deposits?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

2. Can Preference Shareholders gain the right to vote on all resolutions placed before the company, if dividends in respect of such shares have not been paid for a period of two years or more?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

3. Can the Company issue Bonus Shares while the Company has partly paid shares?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

4. Whether every Company is required to have at least one Resident Director (who stays in India for at least 182 days during the financial year)?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

5. In a Reporting Company, the shares are held by a body corporate (whether incorporated or registered in India or abroad), other than a limited liability partnership, the Significant Beneficial Owner (SBO) must be an individual who (a) holds a majority stake in that body corporate; or (b) holds a majority stake in the ultimate holding company (whether incorporated or registered in India or abroad) of that body corporate or (c) having right to exercise, or actually exercises, Significant Influence or Control, in any manner other than through direct-holdings alone, in the Reporting Company. Is this statement true?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

(Ans:  1: b, 2: a, 3: b, 4: a, 5: a)

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