Share and Learn January 2025

Legal words:

  1. Revocation Hearing: A hearing held before a judge to determine whether or not a person has violated the conditions of probation. If there is a finding that a violation has occurred, the judge may impose all or part of the original sentence.
  1. States Attorney: An attorney who represents the state in criminal cases.
  1. Testimony: Statements made by a witness or party under oath.
  1. Unconditional Discharge: A sentence in a criminal case in which the defendant is released without imprisonment, probation supervision or conditions
  1. Voir Dire: “To speak the truth.” The process of questioning prospective jurors or witnesses about their qualifications.
  1. Wage ExecutionThe process of deducting money from wages to pay a judgment. Also called a garnishment or attachment.
  1. Trial Referee: An attorney appointed by the Chief Justice to hear any civil non-jury case where the parties agree to use a trial referee and all the legal papers have been filed.
  1. Stipulation: Also called a “stip.” A written agreement by the parties or their attorneys.

 Legal Maxims:

  1. Ubi jus ibi remediu: There is no wrong without a remedy or where there is a legal right there is a remedy.
  1. Subla Fundamento cadit opus: A foundation being removed, the superstructure falls.
  1. Obiter dictum: That which is said in passing.
  1. Noscitur a sociis: The meaning of a word can be determined by the context of the sentence.
  1. Animus nocendi: Intention to harm
  1. Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta: Done without indicating the inner secrets. Overt acts make known latent thoughts, or Acts indicate the intention.
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